Sea won out in the end so Me, Morgan, Beth, Mae, Adam, Calum Mackenzie and Kindra set out in the minibus with brake lights on the trailer that flashed when Morgan indicated left and not a lot else we headed for Incholm island.
Starting from the silver sands we headed west along the bay until near the tanker port quay then beelined it out to the island. None of us being in fast boats meant this wasn't a fast process but we all go there safely and after saying hi to some seals we had a small picnic outside the abbey.
Just before we left some of us ran up the little hill to get the picture on the right. Heading back was very choppy and involved missing one oil tanker being towed in to dock. All in all a nice trip, with a fair bit of sun and a high tide timed perfectly.
See the photos on picasa web albums